Swim With Mr. Blue


Frequently Asked Questions!

We gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

Most children are afraid of the water if they have no had regular exposure or if they haven’t seen their parents swimmings. The greatest attribute of our program is our Learn to Swim with Mr. Blue book and DVD. When children learn that Mr. Blue was afraid of the water too, they will soon relate with the character and become willing to try. Nonetheless,  with a little help from our highly trained Mr. Blue swim teachers and staff. 

Every child who enters our Mr. Blue 5 Day Program learns how to swim back to the wall. As known, some children develop differently than others you may not see extreme kicking or as successful reaching for the wall right away. That is why it is crucial to help reinforce your child’s learning by following our maintenance videos and the take aways taught to you by your instructor on your final day. 

** exceptions to our guarantee if your child has physical limitations.** 

Priorities and choices is what we tell our parents. There is no better investment than ensuring your child’s safety. We offer the best program to teach your child to swim & we have our referral program. YOU HAVE TO Make YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY TOP PRIORITY. We won’t stop…until the whole world swims!!!

Our Mr. Blue 5 Day Program is offered at 18 months, however we offer our Baby Blue and Junior Blue programs that are geared from 6 to 17 months of age. 

No, if you help encourage your child during the 5 day fast track program your child will feel proud of their accomplishments at the end of each day. If you however, act nervous and do not encourage your child to continue practicing after the 5 days then it could cause them to not want to continue swimming. Remember our children mimic what they see us and the people around them do, so it is very important to mirror love and support for your child during this learning process. 

The Mr. Blue 5 day program when used to guarantee your child can swim back to the wall independently is best done in consecutive days, however we cannot always control the weather. 

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